31 October 2008

Good Luck for Turkey

This is a notice board in Georgia near Turkey border. (Sarp border gate)

This made me laugh, they wish good luck to people who is going to Turkey.

Maybe they're right :)

18 October 2008


0378, originally uploaded by natale cozzolongo.

Tarlabasi, is a very interesting district of Istanbul. But, unfortunately it is not safe to walk there. I'm planning to drive to there one day with scooter. Sulukule district also is in my list.

In old times, like 19th century, these were very rich countries, their residents were jews, greeks and armenians. So the buildings are very beautfull. After, all these people left these buildings alone (because of politics; search greek&turk relation between 1919-1960) and generally gitanes comes in place of them.

Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire

The regions that Turks wanted to take (1) and that we have actually(2)

I found some interesting informations in Wikipedia.

if you're interested with history, I think it is usefull to know these things.

Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire (history)

Treaty of Sevres(The contact that they wanted to sign us)

Misak-i Milli (The contract that we wanted to sign)

Lausanne Treaty (Actual border treaty)

06 October 2008

Autumn in Istanbul

A new video which is dated 2-3 weeks ago.

Untitled from Coskun Istanbulluoglu on Vimeo.

04 October 2008

Northern Iraq

After the thing happened today (15 turkish soldier died near Iraq frontier, at the point marked on the picture), I think that, Turkey have to occupy northern Iraq for a while. At least, until there is a more powerfull government in Iraq.

Because, it is almost impossible to make defense at this region due to geographical conditions (lots of mountains).

We shall advance until Kerkuk and Mosoul which are very strategical zones.

I guess nobody will let us do that, because Kerkuk and Mousoul's situation is a very complicated case. (These places are very rich oil zones).

I also belive that the actual frontier designed after WWI is wrong.

You shall research the region history to understand the current situation.

Here is the keywords for your research:
-First World War Ottoman Middle East
-Treaty of Sevres
-Treaty of Lausanne
-Treaty of Sykes-Picot

01 October 2008


It's for saying that I'm fine. But on Monday I had a car accident. It was the day before the national holiday which is 9 days. So, the roads were almost empty, but it was raining. I had my cousin going to Pologne (Krakow), my familly told me to accompany them to airport.

Everything is fine, thanks to God. The accident was serious, but we had luck.This is because of a car which forced me to change the line (the driver had no license), then another car hit me from the back. My speed was about 90 kms, the car who hit me was about 120 (maybe more). He made us hit the barriers then made us turn 360 degree on the road.

Unfortunately the report which is written by the police was invented for protecting the driver with no-licence.

I think the car will go to the trash. It is not very very serious, the car had insurance. But, the fact that there isn't justice made me uncomfortable for a while.

Now, I'm not sad, because I belive that, one day these people will pay their faults. (I hope, I can find video records which show road situation at the accident location. Today, I sent a mail to police department about the case.)