So now, I'm somebody more organised and focused.
With 2009, I started to my career as a junior SAP BI consultant; and I guess I'll continue to do it.
Once again, I witnessed that the destiny decides all:
First at october 2008 the economic crisis: a bad time for searching a job. I could find it easily, and started to work at november 2008.
It was at december 2008, I registered to a MBA master program.. It was meaning that I postponed military service for three years..
But, the program is cancelled by the board of university at january 2009... So, I decided to go to army at february...
You see, suddenly the normal run of things is changed.
You know how they say, life is beatifull..
The thing which is good at 2010, is that it will be Istanbul's year.
I hope that, it will be mine also!!!!!