03 February 2009

Next stop: Cyprus

A cool mosque from North Cyprus (it became a mosque at 16th century)

Originally, the church is built when Richard Coeur de Lion was in Island.

Historically, Cyprus was a military base during croisades, on the way for Jerusalem

Buildings damaged after the operation at 1974

I'm planning a trip for Cyprus North in april. (I guess, 23-24-25-26 april). Everybody who want to join, please ask it! The budget is about 250-300 euros.

Cyprus is a very interesting place, its history and its nature is very different. Here is some highlights:

-It is a very strategical place for controlling Middle East (thats why UK has a military base there)

-In 1570, Cyprus is conquered by Ottomans (before that time, Island was belonging to Venetians, and also Richard Coeur de Lion)

-In 1878, UK and Ottomans agreed that the island will be loaned to UK. (Ottomans were in a very difficult situtation because of Russians, that's why they accepted it)

-During WWI, UK declared the annexation; because Ottomans were ally with Germans.

- After the agreement of Lausanne (1923), Turks accepted to give the island to UK. (Turkey and Greece had a statue guarantor on the Island with this agreement)

- After 1923, the situation is complex... A new republic is founded at 1960 called Cyprus Republic. But, because of conlicts between Turks and Greeks, Turkey made a "Peace Operation" at 1974. And a new republic called "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" is founded.

- The only country who recognizes North Cyprus is Turkey.

- Now, North Cyprus is like a free zone for Turkey. The tax is less then Turkey, the Casinos are legal (it's not in Turkey) and there is many international universities.

And also, another interesting point, there is many many students from Iran who comes here for studying....

- EU accepted Cyprus as a whole country but in fact, only Greek part can profit it.

- United Nations proposed a solution for the current problem but Greek part blocked it.

Read it from Wikipedia

North Cyprus

Greek Zone, Turkish Zone and UK ZONE!

By the way, I think (it can be no objective) the main source of conflict is because of UK, they have lots of profit on the island, thats why they want that the current situation continues...

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