Two months passed in the army made me think about many things; family, friends, city, carrier.
Sometimes, I feel that it's a big waste of time. But It's for sure, there is some good parts...
Firstly, life in the army is very social . It's a good opportunity to meet people of all kind. Generally people are cool, but also there is
some problematic friends (who uses drogs, and who damages theirselves with blades)...
Secondly, it makes you stronger psychologically and physically. I didn't know that I could be so patient to these conditions..
Since 2 weeks, I'm very cool in Konya, I guess it'll continue like that. I'm responsable of the cinema of the military base. During week days, I play documentaries about republic and Ataturk. And week-ends, we watch holywood movies.
So,the most difficult part of the army is finished.
The first part was hard; we walked about hundred kms, and waited for hours without sitting under the sun (max 12 hours in one day)...
Now, we are counting days, only 95 day is left.
See you! ; )
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